Open, Semi-Open or Closed Adoption part 3

With open adoption both the biological family and the adoptive families know the names, addresses and contact information for each other. In our situation and the fact the biological mother did not seem to me to have the ability to make great decisions so we did not want her to know our information. We were concerned that if she had our information we would eventually hear a knock at the door and she would be there. We actually took preventative measures to insure that she did not know our information. We used my maiden name for any introductions and papers … Continue reading

He Will Tell Everyone Our Adoption Story

We were at the emergency vet for one of our dogs last night and the doctor mentioned about adoption so of course we went into what agency we had experienced with the adoption of our kids. It is so funny my normally shy husband comes out of his shell when people talk to him about adoption. The story always starts with the night he got the call that we were selected for the two boys. We had already been turned down for the first two children we were put in for so when we did not get a call all … Continue reading

Single-Parenting vs. Adoption

Single parenting can come about in a number of ways. Some of us were thrust into it unwillingly as a result of a divorce, others are faced with a difficult decision; single parent or place. I have been on both ends of the single parenting spectrum. I was just out of high school and faced with the most difficult decision of my life. My boyfriend and I had just broken up less than 24 hours before I found myself pregnant. A good friend of mine found herself in a similar situation not long after I did. One of us chose … Continue reading

Is Inter-Racial Adoption ok?

My husband and I were put in for adoption of two brothers, one Caucasian and one biracial Caucasian/African American. When we started to adopt we were open to any race of children, color definitely was not an issue. When the state was trying to decide who these children should be adopted by it was between us and a single African American woman. Would you be surprised that the single woman only wanted to adopt the bi-racial child? We never would have even considered splitting up biological siblings so why would this woman? I cannot say what was in her heart … Continue reading

Adoption Match Meeting

The adoption process is nothing like you see in the movies, there was no big home where you walked in and pick what child you would like to call your own. The closest comparison I can think of is like when you are trying to buy a house. The family who would like to adopt is asked to create a one page flyer that talks about your family, what your home life is like and what you have to offer a child. When a child comes up for adoption placement that matches the criteria that you have given, they give … Continue reading

National Adoption Month 2010

November is National Adoption Month! I won’t go into the history or anything, since that has already been explained quite well in a previous post. I will say that I didn’t even realize myself that there was such a thing until this week! I arrived home from work on Monday to find a post put out by the Child Welfare Information Gateway about National Adoption Month showing up in my Facebook news feed! Had I known that this was coming up, I would have had a post about it ready by November 1st. I have now been made aware! So, … Continue reading

Open Adoption Crusader Dies

When my husband and I were taking the PRIDE (Parent Resources for Information, Development and Education) classes in order to become licensed foster/adopt parents we were assigned with creating a family tree for a future child. It was fun and I got to know more about my husband’s family. My dad has all of us signed up at where we’re building a very nice family tree. Millions of people may not feel that deep sense of connection with their families because their families did not give birth to them. When I first learned what adoption was all about I … Continue reading

Adoption is Plan A

When I was in elementary school one of my best friends was adopted. My understanding of adoption was pretty much what I gleaned from Disney’s The Rescuers. I thought babies just waited in basinets for someone to come and take them home. The message to adoptees was always that they were chosen. That didn’t seem all that special, though, in the cruelty of children when being adopted was hurled as an insult In high school I had a creative writing assignment to write about something I had never told anyone. I wrote about how I thought I was adopted. I … Continue reading

Bullock Says She Now Can Celebrate Becoming a Mom Through Adoption

Many adoptive parents try to keep quiet about their adoption plans to avoid endless questions during an uncertain and possibly lengthy waiting period. Sandra Bullock may have set a record by keeping all but the closest friends and family unaware that her new son has been living with her for over three months! Bullock spoke with People magazine last week after keeping silent for weeks following revelations of her husband’s infidelity. She told the magazine that she and her husband Jesse James had been in the process of adopting for several years, and she had always thought that “her” child … Continue reading

She Thought WHAT was ADOPTION?!??

On St. Patrick’s Day, we watched a family film about Patrick’s early life and his years in Ireland, as a slave and then a missionary. After the scene where Patrick is captured from his family’s town in Britain and taken to Ireland, seven-year-old Regina ran to my husband and asked if Patrick was being adopted! I was, of course, horrified. Unable to hear the rest of their brief conversation, I asked my husband later. He’s great with kids but can be a little frustrating when describing detail, so I’m not sure exactly what they said. Later he calmly told me, … Continue reading